Learn Property Investment from the Pros
Dramatically increase your odds of succeeding in real estate investing

Phill & Shenoah Grove
Welcome to the Reinvesting Club!
Excited to have you on-board.
Let me introduce myself real quick...
I'm Shenoah Grove, and with my husband, Phill Grove – we operate the Texas Wealth Network.
The Texas Wealth Network is the largest group of Real Estate Investment Associations in the Great State of Texas. Since 2002, we’ve been holding real estate networking club meetings with the following mission in mind…
Our mission is to educate our members and share as much information as we can to help them become successful in their real estate investors by providing the tools for learning and support they need to start and grow their business.
The Reinvesting Club is my little out-post, where I publish articles and tips that I feel would be helpful to those new to property investment - or already involved in real estate and wanting to discover how to do even better.
Together with my husband, we have been actively investing in real estate and helping homeowners with creative property solutions since 2003.
During that time, we’ve participated in more than 1,200 real estate transactions totaling more than $200,000,000.00 (and still hold an 8 figure real estate portfolio) using creative real estate investing strategies designed to help the difficult situations facing their buyers.
We believe our insights can be very helpful to those buying and selling real estate as an investment (and we've seen this first-hand at our meetings.)
We look forward to sharing our knowledge and know-how with you.
Shenoah Grove